Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year, New Beauty Resolutions

Each year I make resolutions that I (you guessed it )break. This year will be different, this year my beauty resolutions will be a new way of being. It is to my utmost benefit. In twenty years, my skin will say thank you for treating her like a bff.
Here's the plan:

1. Cut back on caffeine
It dries out skin due to it's diuretic properties but it's also a great antioxidant.
So controversial!

2. Finally join a gym
Preferably one with a steam room and sauna. Better blood circulation equals better skin.

3. Be beautiful from the inside out
It's time for me to improve my eating habits. I will drink plenty of water and pure fruit juices.
Maybe I'll even get a juicer. I'll eat all my fatty's! Fish, nuts, olive oil will all be on the menu.

4. Don't be lazy!
Take off make up every night! Yes, even it was the wildest party ever and now I'm exhausted from all of the evenings activities. My pillowcase and my pores will be thankful.

5. Be diligent about eye care
Another year on the calendar means another year for your skin cells.

6. Discover greener alternatives.
After noticing the benefits of more natural products, this year I'll try to be as green as possible. The goal is finding natural or organic products that are effective and provide a pleasurable sensory experience.

7. Catch my zzz's
I'm not 18 nor am I 21. Without enough sleep, cells can't fully regenerate and I want mine to get all the help they can get.

8. Do the yoga thing
Mind, soul and body are all connected. Better mental health and less stress leads to better looks. You know I will try everything.

9. Finish what I start
I will finish all purchased products. Challenging but it must be done.

10. Be grateful.
It's easy to forget that we're blessed. Beauty, health, laughter and joy are all gifts that should be cherished.

I have a whole year to a better me.

Ms. Lynn

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