Friday, December 18, 2009

YSL Parisienne?

The new YSL Parisienne scent has to be the most disappointing perfume on the market. Not that it doesn't smell good. It just has nothing to do with the image it's trying to convey. The ads are sexy and sensuous but the perfume is not! It can be described as lovely and soft but this is not what we're going for. I usually love perfumes that have blackberry, rose and sandalwood as notes but something is missing in this mixture. It's missing the musk!
It's missing all the sex (musk) portrayed in the ad. Kate Moss is effortlessly sexy in this ad (very French). I want to be her; I want to smell like leather, roses and morning after sex with a French man. Unfortunately if you also want to smell this way, you will have to reach for a different bottle of perfume.
But let the ad inspire us.

Ms. Lynn

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